I'm Carlos Guerrero, associate professor at the computer department of the University of Balearic Islands (UIB), in Spain. I'm member of the ACSIC research team. If you want to know more about me and my work, you can check my interests, research profiles or my highlighted works. Don't dought to contact me for any thing you could need.
My research interests are, but not limited to, cloud and fog computing, distributed resource management, evolutionary computing, performance engineering, and combinatorial optimization.
I'm currently teaching subjects in the field of digital systems and computer architecture. I'm also completelly involved in teaching innovation projects. I was the deputy head of the Computer Faculty of the UIB from 2013 to 2021.
I'm member of the Architecture and performance of computer and communication systems research group (Arquitectura y comportamiento de sistemas informáticos y de comunicaciones, ACSIC), in the computer science department of the UIB.
Concerned with the impact of my activities in the socity, I'm focussed in transfering my research and kownledge to the society.
Research profiles
Recent Works & Highlights
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