Publicaciones en revistas

  • Lera, I.; Sancho, P.P; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.; Zottl, J.; Haring, G., "Performance Assessment of Intelligent Distributed Systems through Software Performance Ontology Engineering (SPOE)", "Software Quality Journal", Volumen 15, Número 1, Páginas 53-67, 2007. Artículo.
  • Juiz, C., "Web servers under overload: How scheduling can help Schroeder B., Harchol-Balter M. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 6(1): 20-52, 2006. Type: Article", "ACM Computing Reviews", Volumen 2007, Número Mayo, 2007. Review.
  • Juiz, C., "Modeling epidemic spreading in mobile environments Mickens J., Noble B. Wireless security (Proceedings of the 4th ACM Workshop on Wireless Security, Cologne, Germany, Sep 2, 2005) 77-86. 2005. Type: Proceedings", "ACM Computing Reviews", Volumen 2007, Número Enero, 2007. Review.
  • Haring, G.; Juiz, C.; Petriu, D., "Software and Performance", "Journal of Systems and Software", Volumen 80, Número 4, Páginas 439-440, 2007. Artículo.
  • Juiz, C., "Fault evaluation for security-critical communications devices Rae A., Fidge C., Wildman L. Computer 39(5): 61-68, 2006. Type: Article", "ACM Computing Reviews", 2007. Review.
  • Gilly, K.; Alcaraz, S.; Juiz, C. i Puigjaner, R., "Service differentiation and QoS in a scalable content-aware load balancing algorithm", "IEEE Computer Society", Volumen 1, Número 1, Páginas 185-193, 2007. Artículo.
  • Gilly, K.; Alcaraz, S.; Juiz, C. and Puigjaner, R., "Service differentiation and QoS in a scalable content-aware load balancing algorithm", "Simualtion Symposium", Páginas 185-193, 2007. Artículo.
  • Guerrero, C.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R., "Dynamic web fragment architecture" [], "Actas de los Talleres de las Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos" [], Volumen I, Número 3, Páginas 1-10, 2007. Artículo.
  • Alcaraz, S.; Gilly, K.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R., "A Token Bucket Model with Assured Forwarding for Web Traffic", "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", Volumen 4658, Páginas 298-307, 2007. Artículo.
  • Juiz, C., "Quality of Service Measures of Mobile Ad-hoc Wireless Network using Energy Consumption Mitigation with Asynchronous Inactivity Periods. Mavromoustakis C., Karatza H.", "ACM Computing Reviews", Volumen 83, Número 1, Páginas 107-122, 2007. Review.